Macintosh-related Internet resources -- Software
This page was last updated Sunday, September 17, 1995.
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- [an Apple FTP archive, Austin, TX] <URL:>
- APDA - "APDA is Apple's worldwide source for hundreds of development tools, technical resources, training products, and information for anyone interested in developing applications for Apple computer platforms. Customers receive the APDA Tools Catalog featuring all current versions of Apple and the most popular third-party development tools. APDA offers convenient payment and shipping options including site licensing. " <URL:>
- AppleScript Archives <URL:>
- Crystal Info-Mac Mirror at UALR <URL:>
- Index of reviews of Macintosh products - "The reviews listed here are from MacWorld and MacUser magazines (United States editions), starting with the January 1993 issues. You can search for any word in the name of the product or the name of the manufacturer.... This service is an exclusive feature of Internet Computer Index (ICI). The indexes of reviews are prepared by Proper Publishing for exclusive use on ICI. We hope you find them useful." <URL:>
- Info-Mac Archive (Summex), by Stanford <URL:>
- Info-Mac HyperArchive Root - "The HyperArchive page is the root of a hypertext subtree containing a mirror of the Sumex Info-Mac archives for the Macintosh. It is designed for browsing, allowing fast access to the brief descriptions at the start of .hqx files and reverse-chronological summaries. The mirror is updated, and this hypertext regenerated, nightly between 5 and 6 AM EST. " <URL:>
- Mac ftp Sites - "This page is based on version 3.9.1 of the information maintained by Bruce Grubb (with permission). Corrections and/or additions should be sent to him (although it would be nice to notify the owner of this page also). The original list is copyrighted 1991 by Mike Gleason." <URL:>
- Mac Software Catalog - "This service is only possible thanks to the enormous effort by the The University of Michigan's Macintosh Public Domain and Shareware Archive ... The index is mirrored daily from London, and the catalog is updated automatically. Note that we do not mirror the contents of the archive, but simply present an interface for existing mirrors." <URL:>
- Macintosh Product Guide, by Apple Computer, Inc. - "This database contains information about Macintosh products from publishers around the world. There are currently around 14,000 products listed, with more added every month. " <URL:>
- Macintosh Word Processing <URL:>
- Microlib/Mac Software Archive - "Welcome to the University of Texas at Austin Computation Center's archive of Macintosh freeware and shareware. ... NOTE: The pages that follow make heavy use of graphics. If your network connection is slow, or if you simply want the best possible performance, turn off the "Auto-Load Images" option in your WWW client. Individual graphics can then be forced to load at any time by clicking on them." <URL:>
- MIDnet's view of INFO-MAC <URL:>
- UBUdex - a HyperIndex to // - "This HTML index has been running since 8 February 1994 and is "rebuilt" from the 00index.txt files of the /mac/* directories in Ideally, it will be FTP'ed nightly, HTMLized with a TPU routine (hey, I'm on a VAX/VMS system and Perl isn't part of my vocabulary) and FTP'ed into the local HTTP server to be made available. One of the future plans for this index is to take advantage of HTML forms and permit access to the same files via the mirror sites. The MacHTTP server can do forms, but MacMosaic doesn't have form support yet. " <URL:>
- University of Michigan <URL:>
- utexas mac archive, by Chris W. Johnson <URL:>
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This page was last created by Eric. Please feel free to send comments.